US Cork and Fancy Cancel Classics

The Fancy Cancels that we list on our website include cancels on cover and off, featuring some of the artistic high points of stars, cogwheels, crosses, pies, grills, concentrics and bullseyes. You will also find early, plainer cork cancels and a few pen cancels. These later examples are outside the range of what a purest would call a fancy cancel, but are of the era and we include them, priced accordingly.
U.S. #207 with Geometric Cancel
Code: A5515*Covers
Price: $5.00
U.S. #207 Features a blue geometric cancel... more info
U.S. #207 Negative C
Code: A5505*Covers
Price: $20.00
U.S. #207 A very well struck Negative C due to stamp placement, on a New York City Delivery Cover... more info
U.S. #65 Burlington Iowa
Code: A5503*Covers
Price: $5.00
U.S. #65 New York to Burlington Iowa with Fancy Cancel... more info
U.S. #88 8-piece pie cancel
Code: A5500*Cover
Price: $20.00
U.S. #88 On cover of 1869, from Wall Street, NY to Iowa... more info
Fancy 'D' Cancel on #U159
Code: A2569*Cover
Price: $5.00
Fancy D Cancel on #U159 Rough shape but interesting cancel... more info
U.S. #Jamaica 123 Used
Code: A5431*Redbox
Price: $9.00
U.S. #Jamaica 123 Used ... more info
U.S. #210 Star Cancel
Code: B2803*Redbox
Price: $10.00
U.S. #210 Star Cancel ... more info

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