Ultra Violet (UV) Lamps

Stamp Tagging is one of the most intriguing parts of modern philately. With a simple UV detecting device you can uncover rare varieties of otherwise common stamps, significantly increasing the value of your collection. Read a more complete article on Stamp Tagging, it's history and purpose, and how it can enhance your collecting experience and the value of your collection. UV Lamps are also a very valuable tool for Bank Note Collectors and expertizering of all paper collectables.

Notes about Tagging on Postage Stamps

Luminescence, phos-phorescence, fluorescence, ultraviolet lamps — what does any of this have to do with stamp collecting? A lot, actually. Here we present an article to help collectors understand and make meaning of the tagging that often determines the correct identification of a stamp in your collection, and often dictates the value of a variety.
Lighthouse Holmes UV Lamp
Code: LH370112
Price: $59.95

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