U.S. Stamps Classic thru Back of the Book

Regular Post and Commemoratives plus airmail, special delivery, postage dues and official stamps, parcel post and special handling, revenues and duck stamps. Enjoy building your collection with our very complete inventory

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 1-229 THE CLASSICS

Bargain pricing on vintage classic U.S. Stamps, from the issues of 1847 to the American Banknote Issues of 1890-93. All stamps are acuarately discribed and discount priced. And our 'no haggle' returns price applies. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason just return it within 14 days for a full refund.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 230-547

This is the classic era of U.S. Commemorative Issues beginning with the Columbian Exposition Issues of 1894. Add the Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issues, Pan-American Exposition Issues, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Issues, Jamestown Exposition Issues plus the regular issues of 1902-03

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 548-802

The issues of 1920 through 1937 include the intriguing Farley Issues of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, our Nations greatest postage scandal. Invest in your copy of the White Planes Souvenir Sheet of the International Philatelic Exposition, the United States first Souvenir Sheet. The National Parks Set is still a favored classic.

U.S. Stamps #803-1276 Mint Never-Hinged

1938 produced the Presidential Series, known as the 'Prexies', depicting feach president in order that they served. George Washington is the 1¢ stamp, Abraham Lincoln is the 16¢ and so on, with the last presidents to be depicted on the dollar stamps to the Calvin Coolidge $5.00 stamp. This period also produced the first setentant issues when advances in printing allowed for more than one stamp to be printed on the same sheet of stamps.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 1278-1896

The year 1965 brought us a new set of definitive issues; the Prominent Americans. This significant advance in U.S. Postal Issues broadened the field to include not only politicians and President, but artist, industrialists, scientists, and the Civil Rights Movement in Frederick Douglass. The commemorative issues were in full bloom, even producing a sheet of 50 different stamps; The sheet of 50 state flags.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 1897-2592 - Collecting Modern Stamps

Stamp collectors love the Transportation Series depicts just about every mode of transportation that one can image, from cars and trains to baby buggies, elevators, dog sleds and finally a seaplane. Booklet panes and a long list of topical issues highlight the commemorative issues, capped by a sheet of 50 stamps depicting North American Wildlife.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 2593-3252

The years 1992 through began to define the modern stamp program of the United States Postal Service, with the introduction of annual Christmas Stamps, the introduction of the Black Heritage Series, the Legends of Hollywood, several panes honoring our musical heritage of jazz, blues, country, rock & roll, and classic sounds. The highlight of the period is the 10 pane set of Celebrate the Century stamps, telling the story of the American Century.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 3257-3830D

Scott Stamps #3257-3830D closed out the 20th Century and ushered in a new century, the 21st Century. Advances in printing made possible the Space Souvenir Sheet of 2000 (Scott #3409-3413) with holograms affixed to Photogravure printed Souvenir Sheets depicting advances in space exploration, culminating in the Moon Landing. Bring your collection up to date with the important stamps issued in this time period.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 3831-4485

Scott #3831 of 2004 is a beautiful pane showing a Pacific Coral Reef with the stamps blending into the overall picture of sea life abundance. This section ends with the Christmas Issues of 2010. Highlighting the era is a series of 6 coils of 10 stamps each depicting the flags of the states and territories of the United States.

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 4486-5035

For 2011 the USPS began an annual series of coil stamps for use in regular mail. Fist was a pair of two depicting the Statue of Liberty and the Flag. For 2012 the program was expanded around a set of 4 flag stamps advancing 'Equality', 'Justice', 'Freedom' and 'Liberty'. These annual coils offer a challenging series of issues with variance in perforation, tagging and MicroImprintings.

Our 'REDBOX' Specials of U.S. Bargain Buys

Enjoy a journey of discovery through our stock of specials. In Scott Number order you will find classics, varieties and bargains that are outside our usual stock, space fillers of issues which may otherwise never be in your collection, and unique items that broaden a collection. All at prices that are lowered until going, going, gone.!

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 5036-5651a

The stamps of 2016 began with the continuation of the Love Series, definitive issues with fruits, Botanical Arts and American Landmarks for Priority and Express Mail. For the classic philatelist a Pane of early classics circa 19th Century. Delve into this modern era of stamps featuring arts, scenic America, and Holiday issues. An interesting element of this modern era are the pop-culture issues of celebrities of Hollywood and music, and modern science

U.S. Stamps Scott Numbers 5052-current

The U.S.P.S. continues to produce an interesting array of stamps for collectors. Highlighted are several multi-stamp panes featuring America's natural beauty, beginning with the Mighty Mississippi River, National Marine Sanctuaries, and the beauty of Ansel Adams photography. New flag issues featuring Ol' Glory and stars and strips, famous Americans, American art, and, yes, flowers and floral designs.

U.S. Airmail Stamps

The first airmail route in the United States was over the 200 mile distance between New York and Washington, D.C., with a stop in Philadelphia. One round-trip flight was flown each day except Sunday. For the first few months, the airmail service was a joint effort of the War Department, which provided the planes and pilots, and the Post Office Department, which handled the mail.

U.S. Stamps - Semi-Postals

Semi-Postal Stamps include a first class postage charge, plus an additional amount to fund a charity or community cause, such as health care and research. While semi-postals are an important element of some country collections, France, for example, has issued over 700 Scott Listed Semi-Postals, beginning in 1914, the United States has only issued four, beginning in 1998.

U.S. Stamps - Special Delivery

Known as special delivery or express delivery, the United States was the first country to adopt this mode of posting mail, following the Universal Postal Union establishing the basis for the speedy delivery service. The first issues are pricy in mint condition, but much more reasonable in used condition. But their classic blue beauty makes them an essential for any collection in the best condition a collector's budget allows

U.S. Stamps - Federal Migratory Bird (Duck) Stamps

Duck Stamps are issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior and are required to hunt migratory waterfowl such as ducks and geese. Since 1934, sales of Federal Duck Stamps have generated more than $800 million in revenue used to purchase or lease wetlands habitat in the United States. One of the most consistently beautiful stamps produced, to be chosen as the artist for the annual Duck Stamp is a milestone in the life of wildlife artists.

U.S. Official Mail Stamps & Postal Stationery

Back in the day each department of the government had its own stamps. Of course there were not as many departments of the Federal Government back then. The result was stamps for Agriculture theough the War Department. Beginning in 1983 a single stamp for all Official Mail was introduced and issued regularly until 2009.

U.S. Stamps - Parcel Post Stamps

In the day before Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes the Post Office offered a service dubbed 'PARCEL POST' for packages shipped 4th class. Airplane Topical Collectors Notice!...the 20¢ value of this set was the first stamps of any country to show an airplane; An 'Aeroplane Carrying Mail'.

U.S. Stamps - Postage Dues, including Parcel Post Postage Dues

Oops! I underpaid the postage. The Post Office found a solution with the Postage Due Stamp first issued in 1879. Up until 1985 these stamps could be a regular part of our mail as additional postage was collected upon delivery of a letter lacking sufficient franking. As with most stamps, these can be very affordable or quite pricy, or out-of-sight rare. But most albums allow space for these important stamps and every collection should have some.

U.S. Stamps - Revenue Stamps

Before the introduction of the Income Tax the chief source of revene for the federal government was the application of stamps to various taxable items, from tobacco and, yes, Marihuana and potaoes, to stock transfers, wine and beer, and, well, you get the picture. anything and everything that can be taxed. But what beautiful engraving on these classic stamps

U.S. Stamps - Special Handling Stamps

Seemed like a good idea at the time. A stamp to pay for special handling of forth-class mail. However, because the service could be paid for using regular postage stamps the Special Handling Stamps never really took off, which is good news for collectors as they attractive stamps are a very affordable addition to your collection.

U.S. Stamp Issues of 2024

2024 promises to be another good year for collectors of United States Stamps. Beginning with the Hearts Issue for Valentines Day, for all you lovers out there. Stay up to date with the current issues, which we offer in lot sizes for collectors. No call for panes of 20 or coils of hundreds when you need but one stamp.

U.S. Stamp Issues of 2025

Stay up-to-date with the current issues from the U.S. Postal Service. We update with each issue, as soon as they are released. Available in the format you choose; singles, plate number blocks and plate number coils, full panes, booklets and all. 2025 will be another great year for collectors, including The Appalachian Trail pane of 15, Battlefields of the American Revolution pane of 15,

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