1991-1995 Size Guide for Showgard Mounts - U.S. Stamps

Showgard Protective Mounts - iHobb.com Philatelic Supplies
1991-1995 Annual Size Guides
Showgard Mounts

1995 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts

1995 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts

Catalog Description Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

No. Showgard (No. of stamps) (No. of Stamps)

Size Showgard Size Showgard Size


2950 32c Florida Statehood J (4)50 (4)63

2951-4 32c Earth Day AH (4)63 (4)80

2955 32c Richard Nixon JV (4)80 (4)61

2956 32c Bessie Coleman JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2961-5 32c Recreational Sports J (5)41 (10)63

2966 32c POW-MIA J (4)50 (4)63

2967 32c Marilyn Monroe JV (4)80 105/57

2968 32c Texas Statehood J (4)50 (4)63

2974 32c United Nations JV (4)50 (4)63

2975 32c Civil War 41 (4)82 SS 192/201

2976-9 32c Carousel Horses JV (4)80 (4)100

2980 32c Woman's Suffrage AH (4)63 (4)68

2982 32c Louis Armstrong AH (4)63 (4)74

2983-92 32c Jazz Musicians AH (8)80 (8)Upper 100 Lower 100

2981 32c World War II J SS 229/131

2999 32c Palau J (4)50 (4)106/55

3000 32c American Comic Strips AH SS 192/201

3001 32c US Naval Academy J (4)50 (4)63

3002 32c Tennessee Williams J (4)50 (4)63

3019-23 32c Antique Automobiles J (5)41 (25)151

3003 32c Madonna and Child 31 (4)61 (4)74

3094-7 32c Santa and Children 31 (4)61 (4)74 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Definitives Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

2477 1c Kestrel E (4)50 (4)57/55

2544 $3.00 Challenger Shuttle AH (4)63 (4)76

2544A $10.75 Endeavor Shuttle AH (4)63 (4)76

2897 32c Cupid Love 31 (4)61 (4)74

2898 55c Cupid Live 24 (4)48 (4)61

2897 32c Flag Over Porch E (4)50 (4)57/55

2940 55c Alice Hamilton E (4)50 (4)57/55

2943 78c Alice Paul E (4)50 (4)57/55

32c James Polk E (4)50 (4)57/55

32c Milton Hershey E (4)50 (4)57/55

46c Ruth Benedict E (4)50 (4)57/55

60c Eddie Rickenbacker 30 (4)61 (4)74

Regular Issue Coils Singles Strips of 3 Strip Up to 10

2893 G Non-Profit Rate(5c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2902 Butte(5c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2905 Automobile(10c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2908-9 Auto Tail Fin(15c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2910-11 Juke Box(25c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2913-4 32c Flag Over Porch E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2463 20c Cog Railway E 67/25 25 or 260/25

2466 32c Ferryboat E 67/25 25 or 260/25

Booklet Stamps Singles Panes Complete Booklet

2483 20c Blue Jay E 44 48

2487-8 32c Peach and Pear E 44 48

2916 32c Flag Over Porch E 44 48

2959 32c Cupid Lone 30 48 50

2969-73 32c Great Lakes Lighthouses JV 41 44

2993-7 32c Garden Flowers 44 44 48

3003A 32c Madonna and Child 30 61 63

3004-7 32c Santa and Children 30 61 63


Self Adhesives Singles Panes

2492 32c Rose E 68

2493-4 32c Peach and Pear E 68

2919 32c Flag Over Field E 68

2920 32c Flag Over Porch E 68

2949 Love Cherub 30 68

2960 55c Love Cherub 24 68

3012 32c Victorian Angel E 68

3008-11 32c Santa and Children 31 91

3013 32c Children Sledding E 68

Self Adhesive Coils 31

Officials Singles Multiples

32c Coil E strips 25

1c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55

20c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55

23c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55

1995 Sheets and Full Panes

Cupid Love Series #175 Jazz Musicians #198

Florida Statehood #204/153 Santa With Children #175

Kids Care-Earth Day #192/201 American Comic Strips #192/201

Recreational Sports #204/153 US Naval Academy #204/153

POW-MIA #204/153 Tennessee Williams #204/153

Marilyn Monroe #188 Madonna With Child #175

Texas Statehood #204/153 Antique Automobiles #151

United Nations #204/153 Challenger Shuttle #198

Civil War #192/201 Endeavor Shuttle #198

Carousel Horses #192/201 Eddie Rickenbacker #175

World War II #229/131 Republic of Palau #204/153


1994 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts

Catalog Description Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

No. Showgard (No. of Stamps) (No. of Stamps)

Size Showgard Size Showgard Size


2807-ll 29-cent Winter Olympics JV (5) 4l Top-l07 Bottom-63

28l2 29-cent Edward Morrow JV (4) 80 l06/55

28l6 29-cent Allison Davis JV (4) 80 68

28l7 29-cent Chinese New Year J (4) 50 68 Sheet 204/153

2818 29-cent Buffalo Soldiers JV (4) 80 l65/94 Sheet 188

28l9-28 29-cent Silent Screen Stars JV (l0) 80 l98

2834-6 World Cup Soccer JV (4) 80 l65/94

2837 World Cup Souvenir Sheet (SS) l40/89

2838 29-cent World War II - l944 J (SS) 229/l3l

2839 29-cent Norman Rockwell JV (4) 80 l06/55

2840 50-cent Rockwell AV (4) 80 (SS) l40/89

2841 29-cent Moon Landing JV (4) 80 (SS) 198 or Group 94

2848 29-cent George Meany JV (4) 80 l06/55

2849-53 29-cent Popular Singers AH (5) 260/40 Top-l00 Sheet 198


2862 29-cent James Thurber JV (4) 80 l06/55

2854-61 29-cent Blues and Jazz Singers AH (8) 63 Top-l00 Sheet 198


2863-66 29-cent Wonders of the Sea AH (4) 63 76 ?Sheet-Group 94

2867-8 29-cent Cranes AV (2) 4l Sheet-Group 94

2869-70 29-cent Legends of the West AV (SS) 192/201

Definitives Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

28l4B 29-cent Dove 30 (4) 6l 48

28l5 52-cent Roses 24 (4) 48 6l

2590 $l.00 Saratoga 3l (4) 63

2592 $5.00 Washington-Jackson 3l (4) 63

2842 $9.95 Express Mail 36 (4) 74 89

2179 20-cent Virginia Apgar E (4) 50 57/55

2875 $2.00 James Madison E (4) 25 (SS)84

2871 29-cent Madonna and Child 3l (4) 63 68

2872 29-cent Christmas Stocking 3l (4) 63 68

Self Adhesives Singles Panes/Booklets

2598 29-cent Eagle E 68

2599 29-cent Statue of Liberty E 68

28l3 29-cent Sunrise Love E 68

2873 29-cent Santa 3l 68

2874 29-cent Cardinal in Snow E 68

Booklets Singles Whole Pane Complete Booklet

28l4 29-cent Love E 48 50

2829-33 29-cent Summer Garden Flower JV 41 44

2843-7 29-cent Locomotive J 4l 44

2872 29-cent Christmas Stocking E 48 50

Duck Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

RW6l Red Breasted Merganser 36 74 89


U.S. Post Cards are mounted with size #l40/89. Standard sized First Day Covers are mounted with size #l65/94.

No. l0 covers are mounted with #l05.


1993 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts
Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Showgard (No.of stamps) (No. of Stamps)

Catalog No. Description Size Showgard Size Showgard Size


2721 29-cent Elvis Presley AH (4)#63 (4)#68

2722 29-cent Oklahoma AH (4)#63 (4)#68

2723 29-cent Hank Williams AH (4)#63 (4)#68

2724-30 29-cent Rock and Roll AH (4)#63 (8)#165/94 (10)#100

2746 29-cent Percy Julian JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

2747 29-cent Oregon Trail J (4)#50 (4)#106/55

2748 29-cent World University Games J (4)#50 (4)#106/55

2749 29-cent Grace Kelly JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

2750-3 29-cent Circus #41 (4)#80 (4)#68

2754 29-cent Cherokee Strip J (4)#50 (4)#63

2755 29-cent Dean Acheson JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

2756-9 29-cent Sporting Horses AH (4)#63 (4)#68

2765 29-cent World War II Sheet J (10)#229/131

2766 29-cent Joe Lewis JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

2779-82 29-cent National Postal Museum AH (4)#63 (4)#80

2783-4 29-cent Deaf Communications AH (4)#31 (4)#80

2771-4 29-cent Country Music AH (4)#63 (4)#80 or (10)#100

2791-4 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 31 (4)#63 (4)#68

2789 29-cent Traditional Christmas 31 (4)#63 (4)#68

2785-8 29-cent Youth Classics 41 (4)#82 (4)#111

2799-02 29-cent Christmas Self Adhesive31 (4)#66 (12)#66

2803 29-cent Snowman (18)#66

2804 29-cent Northern Mariana Islands J (4)#50 (4)#63

2805 29-cent Columbus in Puerto Rico J (4)#50 (4)#106/55

2806 29-cent Aids Awareness JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55


Definitives and Special Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks/Panes

2184B 29-cent Thomas Jefferson E (4)#50 (4)#57/55

2478 29-cent Red Squirrel E (18)#66

2543 $2.90 Space Vehicle AH (4)#63 (4)#68

2490 29-cent Rose E (18)#66

2491 29-cent Pine Cone E (18)#66


Booklet Stamps Singles Panes Complete Booklet

2731-7 29-cent Rock and Roll AH 41 44

2741-45 29-cent Space Fantasy 44 44 48

2760-4 29-cent Garden Flowers 44 44 48

2767-70 29-cent Broadway Musicals AH 41 44

2775-8 29-cent Country Music Ah 41 44

2486 29-cent African Violet EH 44 48

2795-8 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 31 48 50

2790 29-cent Traditional Christmas 31 48 50

2806a 29-cent Aids Awareness JV 41 44

Duck Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Rw-60 $15.00-1993 36 (4)#70 (4)#89

U.S. Post Cards are mounted with size #140/89. Standard Sized First Day Covers are mounted with size #165/94 or Showgard No.894 Cover Album.

Full Sheet Mount Sizes

1993 US Full Sheets are mounted with size #265/231 except as noted below

29-cent Cherokee Strip Sheet of 20 #204/153

29-cent Contemporary Christmas Sheet of 50 #175

29-cent Traditional Christmas Sheet of 50 #175

29-cent Northern Mariana Islands Sheet 20 #204/153

Self Adhesive Stamp Panes #66


Coils ?Horizontal #25 -Vertical #22

Standard Postcards #140/89 Large Format Postcards #111 First Day Covers #165/94

1992 Showgard Size Guide

Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Showgard Showgard Showgard

Catalog No. Description Size Size Size


2611-5 29-cent Winter Olympics AH (5)31 (10)68

2616 29-cent Workd Columbian Expo JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2617 29-cent W.E.B. Dubois JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2618 29-cent Love 30 (4)61 (4)68

2619 29-cent Olympic Baseball J (4)50 (4)106/55

2620-3 29-cent Voyages of Columbus AH (4)63 (4)68

2624-9 Columbian Souvenir Sheets 27 (SS)111/91

2630 29-cent New York Stock Exchange AH (4)63 (4)68

2631-4 29-cent Space JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2635 29-cent Alaska JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2636 29-cent Kentucky J (4)50 (4)106/55

2637-41 29-cent Summer Olympics AH (5)31 (10)68

2647-96 29-cent Wildflowers JV (50)265/231

2697 29-cent World War II J (10)229/131

2698 29-cent Dorothy Parker JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2699 29-cent Theodore von Kamen JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2700-3 29-cent Minerals 41 (4)80 (4)107

2704 29-cent Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2710 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 (4)61 (4)70

2711-4 29-cent Toys-Contemporary Christmas 24 (4)48 (4)61

2720 29-cent Happy New Year J (4)50 (4)106/55


Definitives Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

2184A 29-cent Earl Warren E (4)50 (4)57/55

2193 75-cent Wendell Wilkie E (4)50 (4)57/55

45-cent Sunfish E (4)50 (4)57/55


Booklet Stamps Singles Panes Complete Booklets

2594 29-cent Pledge of Allegiance E 50 50

2595-7 29-cent Eagle ATM EH 68 68

2642-6 29-cent Hummingbirds JV 41 41

2705-9 29-cent Wild Animals JV 41 41


Coils- Horizontal #25 Vertical #22

Showgard Size Guide 1991

Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Showgard Showgard Showgard

Catalog No. Description Size Size Size


2532 50-cent Switzerland AH (4)63 (4)68

2533 29-cent Vermont Statehood JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2534 29-cent Savings Bonds JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2535 29-cent Love 24 (4)48 (4)61

2537 52-cent Love JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2538 29-cent William Saroyan J (4)50 (4)106/55

2550 29-cent Cole Porter JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2551 29-cent Desert Storm JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2553-7 29-cent Summer Olympics AH (10)63 (10)68

2558 29-cent Numismatics JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2559 29-cent World War II J (10)50 (10)229/131

2560 29-cent Basketball JV (4)80 (4)016/55

2561 29-cent District of Columbia J (4)50 (4)106/55

2567 29-cent Jan Matzelinger JV (4)80 (4)106/55

2578 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 (4)61 (4)74

2579 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 24 (4)48 (4)61


Definitives Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

2185 35-cent Dennis Chavez E (4)50 (4)57/55

2190 52-cent Hubert Humphrey E (4)50 (4)57/55

2481 1-cent Kestrel E (4)50 (4)57/55

2482 3-cent Bluebird E (4)50 (4)57/55

2487 19-cent Fawn E (4)50 (4)57/55

2489 30-cent Cardinal E (4)50 (4)57/55

2517 F Rate Tulip E (4)50 (4)57/55

2521 Make Up Rate E (4)50 (4)57/55

2522 F Rate Tulip ATM Pane E (12)68

2524 29-cent Tulip E (4)50 (4)57/55

2531 29-cent Flags on Parade EH (4)44 (4)57/55

2531a 29-cent Liberty Torch ATM Pane E (18)68

2539 $1.00 USPS-Olympics J (4)80 (4)106/55

2540 $2.90 Priority Mail 50 (4)100 (4)120

2541 $9.95 Express Mail DH (4)74 (4)89

2542 $14.00 Int?l Express Mail DH (4)74 (4)89


Booklets Singles Panes Complete Booklets

2493-4 29-cent Wood Duck EH 44 48

2519-20 F Rate Tulip E 44 48

2527 29-cent Tulip E 44 48

2528 29-cent Flag with Olympic Rings 22 44 48

2530 19-cent Hot Air Balloons E 44 48

2536a 29-cent Love 24 48 48

2545-8 29-cent Fishing Flies J 41 41

2551a 29-cent Desert Storm J 41 41

2562-8 29-cent Comedians J 260/55 260/55

2568-77 29-cent Space Exploration J 260/55 260/55

2578a 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 48 48

2582-5 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 24 48 48

Airmail Issues Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

C128 50-cent Harriet Quimby J (4)50 (4)106.55

C129 40-cent William Piper J (4)50 (4)106/55

C130 50-cent Antarctic Treaty J (4)50 (4)106/55

C131 50-cent America J (4)50 (4)106/55


Officials Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

O146-8 4-cent,19-cent,29-cent Sheet Stamps E (4)50 (4)57/55

O145 29-cent Coil E Strips #25


All 1991 coil issues are mounted with #25, 67/25 or 260/25

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