Showgard Assortment Bargain Packs

Showgard Mount Sets offer useful groupings of mounts in a convenient, organized fashion. Many collectors purchase an assortment package to begin mounting their collections, and restock the individual mounts as the assortment package supplies are exhausted. These packages also make an excellent gift for collectors just starting out.

Modern U.S. Issues today include sets with a variety of sized stamp in souvenir sheets and small panes, each requiring a different mount size. To avoid the need to purchase several different mounts in multi-mount packages, Showgard has arranged mount sets with just the mounts needed for the set or special issue.

Showgard U.S. Pacific 97 Issues
Code: SGRPAC97
Price: $4.99
Showgard Group Pac97 - for Pacific 97 Issues Package of 7 Mounts Mount Packet Includes ... more info
Showgard Mounts for  1998 Trans-Mississippi re-issues - Clear
Code: SGTM_C
Price: $4.60
Showgard Trans-Mississippi Pack, Clear Background Package of 11 Mounts 2 mounts for souvenir sheets - 18... more info

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