Showgard Size Guide 1996-1997 for U.S. Stamps

Showgard Protective Mounts - Philatelic Supplies
1996-1997 Annual Size Guides
Showgard Mounts

1997 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts

1997 Annual Showgard Mount Size Guide

Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Showgard (No.of stamps) (No. of Stamps)

Catalog No. Description Size Showgard Size Showgard Size


3120 32-cent Year of the Ox J (4)#50 (4)#63

3121 32-cent Benjamin O. Davis JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3125 32-cent Helping Children Lear AV (4)#80 (4)#91

3130-1 32-cent Pacific 97 Triangles Group Pac 97

3134 32-cent Thornton Wilder J (4)#50 (4)#63

3135 32-cent Raoul Wallenberg J (4)#50 (4)#63

3136 32-cent World of Dinosaurs AH-AV-J SS#259/201

3137-8 32-cent Bugs Bunny JV SS#229/131

3139-40 Washington and Franklin Group Pac 97 Group Pac 97

3141 32-cent Marshall Plan J (4)#50 (4)#63

3142 32-cent Classic Aircraft AH SS#192/201

3143-6 32-cent Football Coaches-Block J (4)#50 (4)#260/55

3147-50 32-cent Football Coaches J (4)#50 (4)#260/55

3151 32-cent American Dolls AV SS#188

3152 32-cent Humphrey Bogart JV (4)#80 SS#188

3154-7 32-cent Opera Singers AH (4)#63 SS#192/201

3158-61 32-cent Composers and Conductors AH (4)#63 SS#192/201

3166 32-cent Padre Felix Varela E (4)#50 (4)#63

3167 32-cent US Air Force J (4)#50 (4)#63

3168-72 32-cent Classic Movie Monsters AV (5)#41 (10)#96

3173 32-cent Supersonic Flight J (4)#50 (4)#63

3174 32-cent Women in the Military J (4)#50 (4)#63


Special Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks/Panes

3123 32-cent Swan 30 Pane #91

3124 55-cent Swan 24 Pane #91

3153 32-cent Stars and Stripes 31 (4)#63 (4)#70

3175 32-cent Kwanza 24 (4)#61

3177 32-cent American Holly E (4)#50 Panes #46&66

3176 32-cent Madonna and Child 30 Pane #91

3178 $3.00 Mars Pathfinder 39 SS#84

U.S. Coil Issues Linerless Coils

Singles E #31

Strips of Three #67/25 #31

Strips of 5 #25 or #260/25 #31

Booklet Stamps Singles Panes

2921 32-cent Flag Over Porch E #44, #66

3126-9 32-cent Merian Botanical Prints #27, & 30 #44, #91

3122 32-cent Statue of Liberty E #44, #66

Showgard Mounts For US Sheets 1996

Year of the Ox #204/153 Humphrey Bogart #188

Helping Children Learn #171 American Aircraft #192/201

Pacific 97 Issues Group Pac 97 American Dolls #188

Thornton Wilder #204/153 Football Coaches #158

Raoul Wallenberg #204/153 Composers and Conductors#192/201

World of Dinosaurs #259/201 Opera Singers #192/201

Bugs Bunny #229/131 Padre Felix Varela #127

Marshall Plan #204/153 US Air Force #204/153

Washington and Franklin Group Pac 97 Movie Monsters #191/229

Kwanza #163 Supersonic Flight #204/153

Benjamin O. Davis #188 Women in the Military #204/153


1996 Annual Showgard Mount Size Guide

Singles Multiples Plate Blocks

Showgard (No.of stamps) (No. of Stamps)

Catalog No. Description Size Showgard Size Showgard Size


3024 32-cent Utah Statehood JV (4)#80 (4)#52 or #96

3058 32-cent Ernest Just JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3059 32-cent Smithsonian Institution J (4)#50 (4)#63

3060 32-cent Year Of The Rat J (4)#50 (4)#63

3061-4 32-cent Communication Pioneers AH (4)#63 (4)#76

3065 32-cent Fulbright Scholarship JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3066 50-cent Jacqueline Cochran 24 (4)#48

3067 32-cent Marathon JV (4)#80 (4)#61 or 165/94

3068 32-cent Centenial Olympic Games AV SS #192/201

3069 32-cent Georgia O?keffe AH (4)#82 SS#188

3070 32-cent Tennessee Statehood JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3072-6 32-cent American Indian Dances JV (5)#41 (4)#66

3077-80 32-cent Prehistoric Animals AH (4)#63 (4)#74

3081 32-cent Breast Cancer Awareness JV (4)#80 (4)#100 or #63

3082 32-cent James Dean JV (4)#80 SS#188

3083-6 32-cent Folk Heroes JV (4)#80 (4)#165/94

3087 32-cent Olympic Discus Thrower JV (4)#80 SS#188

3088 32-cent Iowa Statehood JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3090 32-cent Rural Free Delivery J (4)#50 (4)#63

3096-9 32-cent Big Band Leaders AH (4)#63 (4)#70

3100-3 32-cent Songwriters AH (4)#70

3105 32-cent Endangered Species AH SS#198

3106 32-cent Computer Technology JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55

3108-11 32-cent Christmas Family Scenes 31 (4)#63 (4)#70 or #260/55

3110 50-cent Cycling J (2)#25 SS#89 or #140/89

3107 32-cent Madonna and Child 31 (4)#63 (4)#74 or #61

Definitives and Special Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks/Panes

3032 2-cent Red Headed Woodpecker E (4)#50 (4)#57/55

2544 $3.00 Challenger Shuttle AH (4)#63 (4)#76

3033 3-cent Eastern Bluebird E (4)#50 (4)#57/55

2934 32-cent Cal Farley E (4)#50 (4)#57/55

3104 23-cent F.Scott Fitzgerald J (4)#50 (4)#106/55

Regular Issue Coils Singles Strips Of Three Strip up to 11

3044 1-cent American Kestrel E #67/25 #25 or #260/25

2903-4 5-cent Mountain E #67/25 #25 or #260/25

2905 10-cent Automobile E #67/25 #25 or #260/25

2907 Bulk Rate E #67/25 #25 or #260/25

2915A 32-cent Flag Over Porch E #67/25 #25 or #260/25

Booklet Stamps Singles Panes Complete Booklet

3025-9 32-cent Garden Flowers 44 44 48


Self Adhesives Singles Panes

3030 32-cent Angel Love 24 68

2920 32-cent Flag Over Porch E 44

3071 32-cent Tennessee Statehood 27 167

3089 32-cent Iowa Statehood 27 167

3091-5 32-cent Riverboats 27 204/153 or 151

3048 20-cent Blue Jay E 44

3113-6 32-cent Christmas Scenes 31 96

3117 32-cent Skaters

3118 32-cent Hanaukkah 27 204/153 or 151

Showgard Mounts For US Sheets 1996


Ernest Just #204/153 James Dean #188

Smithsonian Institute #204/153 Folk Heroes #188 or 204/153

Year of the Rat #204/153 Olympic Discus Thrower #188

Communication Pioneer #151 Big Band Leaders #198

POW-MIA #204/153 Songwriters #198

Marathon #188 Endangered Species #198 or 192/201

Olympic Games #192/201 Cycling #89 or 140/89

Georgia O?Keffe #188 Madonna and Child #175

Tennessee Statehood #158 or 265/231 Breast Cancer Awareness#198 or 151

American Indian Dances #158 or 265/231 Christmas family Scenes#175

Prehistoric Animals #181 Rural Free Delivery #204/153




Coils ?Horizontal #25 -Vertical #22

Standard Postcards #140/89 Large Format Postcards #111

First Day Covers #165/94



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