Lighthouse GRANDE Stockpages
Ultra-transparent in a larger size
For your larger size collecting needs, the Lighthouse GRANDE size ultra-transparent affixed strip stockpages provide optimum protection for your collection. Sheets are free of chemical softeners and acid-free. The Grande system accommodates banknotes (including Certified Banknotes in sleeves), coins in slabs, postal history, stamps and other collectibles.
outside dimensions: 240mm x 312mm (9 1/2 x 12 1/4").
You can choose between two different designs:
- Grande clear: Single-sided pages with crystal clear foil. Especially suitable for objects which should be viewed from both sides. Clear pages are made of polyester and are 100% acid- and chemical softener-free.
- Grande black: Black center-foil with welded, crystal clear strips on both sides. Black pages are made of Hard PVC and are 100% acid- and chemical softener-free. Double sided means double the capacity.