Lighthouse 'Hingless' Album for Canada and Provinces

The most sophisticated, safe and rewarding way to keep stamps is in pre-printed (illustrated) country albums. The pages are purposely printed in black and white, to allow you to identify at first glance, which stamps are still missing. All LIGHTHOUSE printing is done on safe extra heavy paper stock. It is acid free (ph-neutral) and contains no wood fibres.

The Lighthouse Hingeless Canada stamp album is the first choice for the serious advanced collector. Each stamp has its stamp mount already affixed. Meeting the hight standards of a German manfactured album, the pages are made of high quality heavy paper and are housed in red 2-Post Turn Bar binders with Canada in gold imprinted on the spine. Of course, the album provides complete coverage of the Regular Issues, Commemorative and Air Post Issues of Canada, plus the provinces of British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Official stamps and postage-due stamps have also been included on separate pages.

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Code: N51SF_21
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