1968 Commemorative
Year Set |
#1339 Illinois
Statehood |
#1340 San Antonio Hemisfair '68 |
#1342 Support Our
Youth - Order of Elks |
#1343 Law and Order |
#1344 Register and
Vote |
#1354a 1968 Historic Flag Series - Vertical Strip |
#1355 Walt Disney |
#1356 Father Jacques
Marquette |
#1357 Daniel Boone |
#1358 Arkansas River
Navigation |
#1359 Leif Erikson |
#1360 Cherokee Strip
Homestead |
#1361 John Trumbull,
Artist |
#1362 Waterfowl
Conservation |
#1363 Christmas 1968 |
#1364 National
Portrait Gallery |