1995 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts
Catalog Description Singles Multiples Plate Blocks
No. Showgard (No. of stamps) (No. of Stamps)
Size Showgard Size Showgard Size
2950 32c Florida Statehood J (4)50 (4)63
2951-4 32c Earth Day AH (4)63 (4)80
2955 32c Richard Nixon JV (4)80 (4)61
2956 32c Bessie Coleman JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2961-5 32c Recreational Sports J (5)41 (10)63
2966 32c POW-MIA J (4)50 (4)63
2967 32c Marilyn Monroe JV (4)80 105/57
2968 32c Texas Statehood J (4)50 (4)63
2974 32c United Nations JV (4)50 (4)63
2975 32c Civil War 41 (4)82 SS 192/201
2976-9 32c Carousel Horses JV (4)80 (4)100
2980 32c Woman's Suffrage AH (4)63 (4)68
2982 32c Louis Armstrong AH (4)63 (4)74
2983-92 32c Jazz Musicians AH (8)80 (8)Upper 100 Lower 100
2981 32c World War II J SS 229/131
2999 32c Palau J (4)50 (4)106/55
3000 32c American Comic Strips AH SS 192/201
3001 32c US Naval Academy J (4)50 (4)63
3002 32c Tennessee Williams J (4)50 (4)63
3019-23 32c Antique Automobiles J (5)41 (25)151
3003 32c Madonna and Child 31 (4)61 (4)74
3094-7 32c Santa and Children 31 (4)61 (4)74 __________________________________________________________________________________________
Definitives Singles Multiples Plate Blocks
2477 1c Kestrel E (4)50 (4)57/55
2544 $3.00 Challenger Shuttle AH (4)63 (4)76
2544A $10.75 Endeavor Shuttle AH (4)63 (4)76
2897 32c Cupid Love 31 (4)61 (4)74
2898 55c Cupid Live 24 (4)48 (4)61
2897 32c Flag Over Porch E (4)50 (4)57/55
2940 55c Alice Hamilton E (4)50 (4)57/55
2943 78c Alice Paul E (4)50 (4)57/55
32c James Polk E (4)50 (4)57/55
32c Milton Hershey E (4)50 (4)57/55
46c Ruth Benedict E (4)50 (4)57/55
60c Eddie Rickenbacker 30 (4)61 (4)74
Regular Issue Coils Singles Strips of 3 Strip Up to 10
2893 G Non-Profit Rate(5c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2902 Butte(5c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2905 Automobile(10c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2908-9 Auto Tail Fin(15c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2910-11 Juke Box(25c) E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2913-4 32c Flag Over Porch E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2463 20c Cog Railway E 67/25 25 or 260/25
2466 32c Ferryboat E 67/25 25 or 260/25
Booklet Stamps Singles Panes Complete Booklet
2483 20c Blue Jay E 44 48
2487-8 32c Peach and Pear E 44 48
2916 32c Flag Over Porch E 44 48
2959 32c Cupid Lone 30 48 50
2969-73 32c Great Lakes Lighthouses JV 41 44
2993-7 32c Garden Flowers 44 44 48
3003A 32c Madonna and Child 30 61 63
3004-7 32c Santa and Children 30 61 63
Self Adhesives Singles Panes
2492 32c Rose E 68
2493-4 32c Peach and Pear E 68
2919 32c Flag Over Field E 68
2920 32c Flag Over Porch E 68
2949 Love Cherub 30 68
2960 55c Love Cherub 24 68
3012 32c Victorian Angel E 68
3008-11 32c Santa and Children 31 91
3013 32c Children Sledding E 68
Self Adhesive Coils 31
Officials Singles Multiples
32c Coil E strips 25
1c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55
20c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55
23c E block 50 Plate Block 57/55
1995 Sheets and Full Panes
Cupid Love Series #175 Jazz Musicians #198
Florida Statehood #204/153 Santa With Children #175
Kids Care-Earth Day #192/201 American Comic Strips #192/201
Recreational Sports #204/153 US Naval Academy #204/153
POW-MIA #204/153 Tennessee Williams #204/153
Marilyn Monroe #188 Madonna With Child #175
Texas Statehood #204/153 Antique Automobiles #151
United Nations #204/153 Challenger Shuttle #198
Civil War #192/201 Endeavor Shuttle #198
Carousel Horses #192/201 Eddie Rickenbacker #175
World War II #229/131 Republic of Palau #204/153
1994 Annual Size Guide Showgard Mounts
No. Showgard (No. of Stamps) (No. of Stamps)
2807-ll 29-cent Winter Olympics JV (5) 4l Top-l07 Bottom-63
28l2 29-cent Edward Morrow JV (4) 80 l06/55
28l6 29-cent Allison Davis JV (4) 80 68
28l7 29-cent Chinese New Year J (4) 50 68 Sheet 204/153
2818 29-cent Buffalo Soldiers JV (4) 80 l65/94 Sheet 188
28l9-28 29-cent Silent Screen Stars JV (l0) 80 l98
2834-6 World Cup Soccer JV (4) 80 l65/94
2837 World Cup Souvenir Sheet (SS) l40/89
2838 29-cent World War II - l944 J (SS) 229/l3l
2839 29-cent Norman Rockwell JV (4) 80 l06/55
2840 50-cent Rockwell AV (4) 80 (SS) l40/89
2841 29-cent Moon Landing JV (4) 80 (SS) 198 or Group 94
2848 29-cent George Meany JV (4) 80 l06/55
2849-53 29-cent Popular Singers AH (5) 260/40 Top-l00 Sheet 198
2862 29-cent James Thurber JV (4) 80 l06/55
2854-61 29-cent Blues and Jazz Singers AH (8) 63 Top-l00 Sheet 198
2863-66 29-cent Wonders of the Sea AH (4) 63 76 ?Sheet-Group 94
2867-8 29-cent Cranes AV (2) 4l Sheet-Group 94
2869-70 29-cent Legends of the West AV (SS) 192/201
28l4B 29-cent Dove 30 (4) 6l 48
28l5 52-cent Roses 24 (4) 48 6l
2590 $l.00 Saratoga 3l (4) 63
2592 $5.00 Washington-Jackson 3l (4) 63
2842 $9.95 Express Mail 36 (4) 74 89
2179 20-cent Virginia Apgar E (4) 50 57/55
2875 $2.00 James Madison E (4) 25 (SS)84
2871 29-cent Madonna and Child 3l (4) 63 68
2872 29-cent Christmas Stocking 3l (4) 63 68
Self Adhesives Singles Panes/Booklets
2598 29-cent Eagle E 68
2599 29-cent Statue of Liberty E 68
28l3 29-cent Sunrise Love E 68
2873 29-cent Santa 3l 68
2874 29-cent Cardinal in Snow E 68
Booklets Singles Whole Pane Complete Booklet
28l4 29-cent Love E 48 50
2829-33 29-cent Summer Garden Flower JV 41 44
2843-7 29-cent Locomotive J 4l 44
2872 29-cent Christmas Stocking E 48 50
Duck Stamps Singles Multiples Plate Blocks
RW6l Red Breasted Merganser 36 74 89
U.S. Post Cards are mounted with size #l40/89. Standard sized First Day Covers are mounted with size #l65/94.
No. l0 covers are mounted with #l05.
1993 Annual Size Guide Showgard MountsSingles Multiples Plate Blocks
Showgard (No.of stamps) (No. of Stamps)
Catalog No. Description Size Showgard Size Showgard Size
2721 29-cent Elvis Presley AH (4)#63 (4)#68
2722 29-cent Oklahoma AH (4)#63 (4)#68
2723 29-cent Hank Williams AH (4)#63 (4)#68
2724-30 29-cent Rock and Roll AH (4)#63 (8)#165/94 (10)#100
2746 29-cent Percy Julian JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55
2747 29-cent Oregon Trail J (4)#50 (4)#106/55
2748 29-cent World University Games J (4)#50 (4)#106/55
2749 29-cent Grace Kelly JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55
2750-3 29-cent Circus #41 (4)#80 (4)#68
2754 29-cent Cherokee Strip J (4)#50 (4)#63
2755 29-cent Dean Acheson JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55
2756-9 29-cent Sporting Horses AH (4)#63 (4)#68
2765 29-cent World War II Sheet J (10)#229/131
2766 29-cent Joe Lewis JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55
2779-82 29-cent National Postal Museum AH (4)#63 (4)#80
2783-4 29-cent Deaf Communications AH (4)#31 (4)#80
2771-4 29-cent Country Music AH (4)#63 (4)#80 or (10)#100
2791-4 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 31 (4)#63 (4)#68
2789 29-cent Traditional Christmas 31 (4)#63 (4)#68
2785-8 29-cent Youth Classics 41 (4)#82 (4)#111
2799-02 29-cent Christmas Self Adhesive31 (4)#66 (12)#66
2803 29-cent Snowman (18)#66
2804 29-cent Northern Mariana Islands J (4)#50 (4)#63
2805 29-cent Columbus in Puerto Rico J (4)#50 (4)#106/55
2806 29-cent Aids Awareness JV (4)#80 (4)#106/55
2184B 29-cent Thomas Jefferson E (4)#50 (4)#57/55
2478 29-cent Red Squirrel E (18)#66
2543 $2.90 Space Vehicle AH (4)#63 (4)#68
2490 29-cent Rose E (18)#66
2491 29-cent Pine Cone E (18)#66
2731-7 29-cent Rock and Roll AH 41 44
2741-45 29-cent Space Fantasy 44 44 48
2760-4 29-cent Garden Flowers 44 44 48
2767-70 29-cent Broadway Musicals AH 41 44
2775-8 29-cent Country Music Ah 41 44
2486 29-cent African Violet EH 44 48
2795-8 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 31 48 50
2790 29-cent Traditional Christmas 31 48 50
2806a 29-cent Aids Awareness JV 41 44
U.S. Post Cards are mounted with size #140/89. Standard Sized First Day Covers are mounted with size #165/94 or Showgard No.894 Cover Album.
Full Sheet Mount Sizes
29-cent Cherokee Strip Sheet of 20 #204/153
29-cent Contemporary Christmas Sheet of 50 #175
29-cent Traditional Christmas Sheet of 50 #175
29-cent Northern Mariana Islands Sheet 20 #204/153
Coils ?Horizontal #25 -Vertical #22
Singles Multiples Plate Blocks
Showgard Showgard Showgard
2611-5 29-cent Winter Olympics AH (5)31 (10)68
2616 29-cent Workd Columbian Expo JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2617 29-cent W.E.B. Dubois JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2618 29-cent Love 30 (4)61 (4)68
2619 29-cent Olympic Baseball J (4)50 (4)106/55
2620-3 29-cent Voyages of Columbus AH (4)63 (4)68
2624-9 Columbian Souvenir Sheets 27 (SS)111/91
2630 29-cent New York Stock Exchange AH (4)63 (4)68
2631-4 29-cent Space JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2635 29-cent Alaska JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2636 29-cent Kentucky J (4)50 (4)106/55
2637-41 29-cent Summer Olympics AH (5)31 (10)68
2647-96 29-cent Wildflowers JV (50)265/231
2697 29-cent World War II J (10)229/131
2698 29-cent Dorothy Parker JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2699 29-cent Theodore von Kamen JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2700-3 29-cent Minerals 41 (4)80 (4)107
2704 29-cent Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2710 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 (4)61 (4)70
2711-4 29-cent Toys-Contemporary Christmas 24 (4)48 (4)61
2720 29-cent Happy New Year J (4)50 (4)106/55
2193 75-cent Wendell Wilkie E (4)50 (4)57/55
45-cent Sunfish E (4)50 (4)57/55
2594 29-cent Pledge of Allegiance E 50 50
2595-7 29-cent Eagle ATM EH 68 68
2642-6 29-cent Hummingbirds JV 41 41
2705-9 29-cent Wild Animals JV 41 41
Coils- Horizontal #25 Vertical #22
Catalog No. Description Size Size Size
2532 50-cent Switzerland AH (4)63 (4)68
2533 29-cent Vermont Statehood JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2534 29-cent Savings Bonds JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2535 29-cent Love 24 (4)48 (4)61
2537 52-cent Love JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2538 29-cent William Saroyan J (4)50 (4)106/55
2550 29-cent Cole Porter JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2551 29-cent Desert Storm JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2553-7 29-cent Summer Olympics AH (10)63 (10)68
2558 29-cent Numismatics JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2559 29-cent World War II J (10)50 (10)229/131
2560 29-cent Basketball JV (4)80 (4)016/55
2561 29-cent District of Columbia J (4)50 (4)106/55
2567 29-cent Jan Matzelinger JV (4)80 (4)106/55
2578 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 (4)61 (4)74
2579 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 24 (4)48 (4)61
2185 35-cent Dennis Chavez E (4)50 (4)57/55
2190 52-cent Hubert Humphrey E (4)50 (4)57/55
2481 1-cent Kestrel E (4)50 (4)57/55
2482 3-cent Bluebird E (4)50 (4)57/55
2487 19-cent Fawn E (4)50 (4)57/55
2489 30-cent Cardinal E (4)50 (4)57/55
2517 F Rate Tulip E (4)50 (4)57/55
2521 Make Up Rate E (4)50 (4)57/55
2522 F Rate Tulip ATM Pane E (12)68
2524 29-cent Tulip E (4)50 (4)57/55
2531 29-cent Flags on Parade EH (4)44 (4)57/55
2531a 29-cent Liberty Torch ATM Pane E (18)68
2539 $1.00 USPS-Olympics J (4)80 (4)106/55
2540 $2.90 Priority Mail 50 (4)100 (4)120
2541 $9.95 Express Mail DH (4)74 (4)89
2542 $14.00 Int?l Express Mail DH (4)74 (4)89
Booklets Singles Panes Complete Booklets
2493-4 29-cent Wood Duck EH 44 48
2519-20 F Rate Tulip E 44 48
2527 29-cent Tulip E 44 48
2528 29-cent Flag with Olympic Rings 22 44 48
2530 19-cent Hot Air Balloons E 44 48
2536a 29-cent Love 24 48 48
2545-8 29-cent Fishing Flies J 41 41
2551a 29-cent Desert Storm J 41 41
2562-8 29-cent Comedians J 260/55 260/55
2568-77 29-cent Space Exploration J 260/55 260/55
2578a 29-cent Traditional Christmas 30 48 48
2582-5 29-cent Contemporary Christmas 24 48 48