Showgard Size Guide 1981-1985 for U.S. Stamps

Showgard Protective Mounts - Philatelic Supplies
1981-1985 Annual Size Guides
Showgard Mounts

Showgard Size Guide 1985

Showgard Size Guide 1985

                                  Singles       Multiples    Plate Blocks

                                 Showgard       Showgard      Showgard

Catalog No.   Description          Size          Size           Size


2110    22-cent Jerome Kern                 JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2137    22-cent Mary McLeod Bethune         JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2138-41 22-cent Duck Decoys                 J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2142    22-cent Winter Special Olympics     AH             (4)63             (4)68

2143    22-cent Love                        JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2144    22-cent Rural Electrification       J              (4)50             (20)11

2145    22-cent Ameripex                    S              (4)63             (4)100

2146    22-cent Abigail Adams               JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2147    22-cent Frederick Auguste Bartholdi J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2152    22-cent Korean War Veterans         J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2153    22-cent Social Security Act         J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2154    22-cent World War I Veterans        J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2155-8  22-cent Horses                      AH             (4)63             (4)68

2159    22-cent Public Education            JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2160-3  22-cent International Youth Year    J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2164    22-cent Help End Hunger             J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2165    22-cent Madonna and Child           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2166    22-cent Poinsetta                   J              (4)50             (4)106/55



1849     6-cent Walter Lippman              E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1850     7-cent Abraham Baldwin             E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1851     8-cent General Henry Knox          E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1852     9-cent Sylvanus Thayer             E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1854    11-cent Alden Partridge             E              (4)50             (4)75/55

1856    14-cent Sinclair Lewis              E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1863    22-cent John James Audubon          E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1867    39-cent Grenville Clark             E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1869    50-cent Chester Nimitz              E              (4)50             (4)57/55

2111    22-cent ?D? Rate Eagle              E              (4)50             (20)260/59

2114    22-cent Flag Over Capitol           E              (4)50             (4)57/55

J104    17-cent Postage Due                 E              (4)50             (4)57/55


Air Mail Issues                                                              

C113    33-cent Albert Verville             J              (4)50             (4)106/55

C114    39-cent Lawrence & Elmer Sperry     J              (4)50             (4)106/55

C115    44-cent Transpacific Airmail        J              (4)50             (4)106/55

C116    44-cent Father Junipera Serra       J              (4)50             (4)106/55


Booklets                        Singles         Panes

2113    22-cent ?D? Rate Eagle              E               44

2116    22-cent Flag Over Capitol           25              44

2117-21 22-cent Sea Shells                  E               44

2122 $10.75 Express Mail                44              44


1985 Coil Issues

Singles  E

Pairs    25

Plate Strips of 3 67/25

Plate Strips of 5 25 or 260/25




Showgard Size Guide 1984

                                  Singles       Multiples    Plate Blocks

                                 Showgard       Showgard      Showgard

Catalog No.   Description          Size          Size           Size


2066    20-cent Alaska Statehood            JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2067-70 20-cent Winter Olympics             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2071    20-cent FDIC                        JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2072    20-cent Love                        JV             (4)80             (20)111

2073    20-cent Carter G. Woodson           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2074    20-cent Soil & Water Conservation   JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2075    20-cent Credit Union                JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2076-9  20-cent Orchids                     S              (4)63             (4)68

2080    20-cent Hawaii Statehood            J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2081    20-cent National Archives           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2082-5  20-cent Summer Olympics             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2086    20-cent Louisiana World Expo        AH             (4)63             (4)68

2087    20-cent Health Research             J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2088    20-cent Douglas Fairbanks           JV             (4)80             (20)111

2089    20-cent Jim Thorpe                  JV             (4)80             (4)260/59

2090    20-cent John McCormick              JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2091    20-cent St. Lawrence Seaway         J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2092    20-cent Preserving Wetlands         J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2093    20-cent Roanoke Voyages             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2094    20-cent Herman Melville             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2095    20-cent Horace Moses                JV             (4)80             (20)111

2096    20-cent Smokey the Bear             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2097    20-cent Roberto Clemente            JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2098-01 20-cent Dogs                        AH             (4)63             (4)68

2102    20-cent Crime Prevention            JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2103    20-cent Hispanic Americans          AH             (4)63             (4)70

2104    20-cent Family Unity                JV             (4)80             (20)111

2105    20-cent Eleanor Roosevelt           S              (4)63             (4)70

2106    20-cent Nation of Readers           JV             (4)80             (4)105/57

2107    20-cent Madonna and Child           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2108    20-cent Santa Claus                 JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2109    20-cent Vietnam Veterans Memorial   25             (4)50             (4)260/55



1853    10-cent Richard Russell             E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1862    20-cent Harry Truman                E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1864    30-cent Dr. FrankLaubach            E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1868    40-cent Lillian Gilbreth            E              (4)50             (20)260/59


1984 Coil Issues

Singles    E

Pairs      25

Plate Strips of 3  67/25

Plate Strips of 5  25, 260/25



Showgard Size Guide 1983

                                  Singles       Multiples    Plate Blocks

                                 Showgard       Showgard      Showgard

Catalog No.   Description          Size          Size           Size


2031    20-cent Science & Industry          JV             (4)80             (4)105/57

2032-5  20-cent Ballooning                  25, 50         (4)50             (4)260/55

2036    20-cent Sweden                      J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2037    20-cent Civilian Conservation Corps J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2038    20-cent Joseph Priestly             JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2039    20-cent Voluntarism                 J              (4)50             (20)260/55

2040    20-cent Concord                     J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2041    20-cent Brooklyn Bridge             J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2042    20-cent Tennessee Valley Authority  J              (4)50             (20)111

2043    20-cent Physical Fitness            J              (4)50             (20)111

2044    20-cent Scott Joplin                JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2045    20-cent Medal of Honor              AH             (4)63             (4)74

2046    20-cent Babe Ruth                   JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2047    20-cent Nathaniel Hawthorne         JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2048-51 13-cent Summer Olympics             J              (4)50             (4)106/55

2052    20-cent Treaty of Paris             AH             (4)63             (4)70

2053    20-cent Civil Service               JV             (4)80             (20)111

2054    20-cent Metropolitan Opera          J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2055-8  20-cent American Inventors          J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2059-62 20-cent Streetcars                  J              (4)50             (4)105/57

2063    20-cent Madonna and Child           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

2064    20-cent Santa Claus                 J              (4)50             (20)111

2065    20-cent Martin Luther               JV             (4)80             (4)106/55



1844     1-cent Dorothea Dix                E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1846     3-cent Henry Clay                  E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1845     4-cent Carl Schurz                 E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1846     5-cent Pearl Buck                  E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1861    20-cent Thomas Gallaudet            E              (4)50             (4)57/55


Airmail Issues                                                         

C101-4  28-cent Olympics                    JV             (4)80             (4)105/57

C105-8  40-cent Olympics                    J              (4)50             (4)106/55

C109-12 35-cent Olympics                    J              (4)50             (4)106/55


Booklets                        Singles        Panes

1896B   20-cent Flag Over Supreme Court     E               44

1909A $9.35 Eagle- Express Mail         44              44


1983 Coil Issues

Singles    E

Pairs      25

Plate Strips of 3  67/25

Plate Strips of 5  25, 260/25


Showgard Size Guide 1982

                                  Singles       Multiples    Plate Blocks

                                 Showgard       Showgard      Showgard

Catalog No.   Description          Size          Size           Size


1950      20-cent Franklin Roosevelt          S             (4)63            (4)100

1951      20-cent Love                        J             (4)50            (4)106/55

1952      20-cent George Washington           JV            (4)80            (4)106/55

1953-2002 20-cent State Birds and Flowers     JV                             Sheet 265/231

2003      20-cent US and Netherlands          J             (4)50            (20)111

2004      20-cent Library of Congress         J             (4)50            (4)105/57

2006-9    20-cent Knoxville Worlds Fair       J             (4)50            (4)106/55

2010      20-cent Horatio Alger               JV            (4)80            (4)105/57

2011      20-cent Aging Together              J             (4)50            (4)105/57

2012      20-cent The Barrymores              JV            (4)80            (4)106/55

2013      20-cent Dr.Mary Walker              JV            (4)80            (4)106/55

2014      20-cent Peace Garden                J             (4)50            (4)106/55

2015      20-cent Libraries                   JV            (4)80            (4)106/55

2016      20-cent Jackie Robinson             JV            (4)80            (4)106/55

2017      20-cent Touro Synagogue             J             (4)50            (20)111

2018      20-cent Wolf Trap Farm Park         J             (4)50            (4)106/55

2019-22   20-cent Architecture                AH            (4)63            (4)70

2023      20-cent St. Francis of Assisi       J             (4)50            (4)106/55

2024      20-cent Ponce de Leon               J             (4)50            (20)111

2025      20-cent Christmas Kitten and Puppy  J             (4)50            (4)106/55

2026      20-cent Madonna and Child           JV            (4)80            (20)111

2027-30   20-cent Christmas Winter Scenes     J             (4)50            (4)106/55



1845       2-cent Igor Stravinsky             E             (4)50            (4)57/55

1855      13-cent Crazy Horse                 E             (4)50            (4)57/55

1860      20-cent Ralph Bunche                E             (4)50            (4)57/55

1866      37-cent Robert Millikan             E             (4)50            (4)57/55


Booklets                         Singles         Panes

1949      20-cent Bighorn Sheep               20             44


1982 Coil Issues

Singles    E

Pairs      25

Plate Strips of 3  67/25

Plate Strips of 5  25, 260/25


Showgard Size Guide 1981

                                  Singles       Multiples    Plate Blocks

                                 Showgard       Showgard      Showgard

Catalog No.   Description          Size          Size           Size


1874    15-cent Everett M. Dirksen          JV             (4)80             (4)105/57

1875    15-cent Whitney Moore Young         JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1876-9  18-cent Flowers                     S              (4)63             (4)100

1910    18-cent Red Cross                   JV             (4)80             (4)106/55 

1911    18-cent Savings & Loan              JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1912-19 18-cent Space Achievement           33             (8)66             (8)91

1920    18-cent Professional Management     J              (4)50             (4)106/55

1921-4  18-cent Wildlife Habitats           JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1925    18-cent Disabled Persons            J              (4)50             (4)106/55

1926    18-cent Edna St. Vincent Millay     JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1927    18-cent Alcoholism                  J              (4)50             (20)111

1928-31 18-cent Architecture                AH             (4)63             (4)70

1932    18-cent Babe Zaharias               JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1933    18-cent Bobby Jones                 JV             (4)80             (4)106/55

1934    18-cent Frederick Remington         J              (4)50             (4)106/55

1935-6  18-cent & 20-cent James Hoban           J              (4)50             (4)106/55

1937-8  18-cent Yorktown Capes              J              (2)25             (4)106/55

1939   (20-cent)Madonna and Child           E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1940   (20-cent)Christmas Teddy Bear        J              (4)50             (4)106/55

1941    20-cent John Hanson                 JV             (4)80             (4)106/55



1594    12-cent Freedom of Conscience       E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1818   (18-cent)?B? Rate Eagle              E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1857    17-cent Rachel Carson               E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1858    18-cent George Mason                E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1865    35-cent Charles Drew                E              (4)50             (4)57/55

1890    18-cent Flag & Amber Waves          E              (4)50             (20)260/59

1946   (20-cent)?C? Rate Eagle              E              (4)50             (4)57/55


Booklets                       Singles          Panes

1819   (18-cent)?B: Rate Eagle              E               44

1880-9  18-cent Wildlife                    20              44

1892-3   6-cent Stars & 18-cent Flag            E  Pairs #44    44

1948   (20-cent)?C? Rate Eagle              E               44 


1981 Coil Issues

Singles    E

Pairs      25

Plate Strips of 3  67/25

Plate Strips of 5  25, 260/25


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